

Concerto de ontem em Londres.O Andy actuou apesar dos seus ferimentos... Parece que o resto da tour foi cancelada e o Andy regressou hoje aos EUA ( Ainda não confirmado).
Yesterday´s concert in London.Andy performed despite his injuries...It seems that the rest of the tour has been cancelled and Andy returned to the US ( Not yet confirmed)


Revolver magazine

Revolver magazine outtakes


Entrevista exclusiva á Revolver Magazine:Black Veil Brides - O Andy fala de como partiu o nariz

Exclusive Interview by Revolver Magazine:Black Veil Brides - Andy talks about his broken nose

“I’m bedridden in a hotel bed in London just sitting here collecting dirt on the blankets and ordering room service and being in pain. I can’t really breathe out of my nose, and it looks like I’m wearing a sleep mask made out of bruises.
“I was onstage doing my typical routine to entertain the crowd. I was rolling around and being crazy. Normally, before ‘Legacy’ goes into a breakdown-y guitar solo-y kind of part, I get down on my knees and do a mock prayer. I did that and then rolled backwards and stood up and I didn’t realize I was directly under the four-foot drum riser. I smashed the bone dead center on my skull. From above my eyebrows, right down the bridge of my nose, that’s where I cracked. I was unconscious for a second.
“I knew something terrible had happened immediately. I jumped up, but I was still in shock and I didn’t really feel it yet. I was rubbing my nose to try to figure out what was happening. And I ran into my tour manager at the side of the stage and I asked him if there was something wrong with my nose. And he looked at me like I was crazy and said it was huge and misshapen. That’s when the realization hit me that I was really hurt. I started getting really dizzy and stumbled my way offstage and got to the backstage area. I positioned myself in front of a mirror and saw it was huge and ridiculous. And that’s when the pain set in and it was pretty excruciating. But there wasn’t a lot of bleeding or anything because of where it broke.
“I went to the hospital in Luxembourg and nobody spoke English. They were really adamant about putting me on a stretcher, and I was very much against that. I walked very fast away from them. They took me in an ambulance right in front of where the fans are, and the last thing I want to do is be the guy who breaks his nose and then has to ride on a stretcher to the ambulance with his thumbs up in the air.
“I walked out with my tour manager and I was pretty dizzy, I couldn’t really see, but I was always pretty cognitive. The only thing I have right now because of the concussion is I feel like I’m watching one of those super druggy movies where all the lights have a trail. Everything I see, it’s as if it sort of has Vaseline around the edges and it’s a little nauseating to be honest. It’s hard to use a computer.
“Right now I’m trying to figure out what to do. I would really like to finish the tour. I’ve been advised against it. But I want to try. At the end of the day, if I have to go onstage and be in pain for 40 minutes I’m do my best to give the audience the show that they have already paid for.”



O Ashley a cantar a "Fallen Angels" após o Andy se ter magoado durante o concerto no Luxemburgo.
Ashley singing "Fallen Angels" after Andy got injured during the Luxemburg show. 



Ontem durante o concerto no Luxemburgo o Andy teve um acidente e partiu o nariz e foi levado para o hospital.
A banda encontra-se agora em Londres,o concerto de hoje na Alemanha foi cancelado e o resto da tour está adiada até melhoras do Andy.

Vamos mostrar o quando gostamos dele a apoia-lo neste momento difícil.

Yesterday during the concert in Luxembourg Andy had an accident,broke his nose and was taken to the hospital.

The band is now in London.Today´s concert in Germany was canceled and the rest of the tour is postponed until Andy feels better.

Let´s show how much we love and support him during this difficult time.



Andy@botched connecting flights to japan, missing my dragonfly and being stuck in a german airport for 7 hours.


BVB video

Vídeo promocional feito por uma fã Portuguesa...Votem nos BVB!!

Promotional video made ​​by a Portuguese fan...Vote for BVB!!
Video By: Joana´h Rodrýguez

Vote for BVB / Votem nos BVB...

Nomeia os teus favoritos para o People's Choice Awards 2012!

 Nominate your favorites for People's Choice Awards 2012! 




Capa da próxima edição da revista Kerrang!...26 de Outubro
Next week Kerrang!´s cover...October 26


BVB Portugal

Não esqueçam de por "Gosto" na nossa página no Facebook e de nos seguir no Twitter.

Do not forget to "Like" on our Facebook page and follow us on Twitter.


Rebel Love Song ...

O video da Rebel Love Song será lançado dia 19 de Outubro
The video of Rebel Love Song will be released on October 19
OfficialBVB@10.19.11 #RebelLoveSong


Jake @ "Going old school tonight. Let's rock tonight Sandwich... I mean Norwich!!"


Entrevista com o CC e o Jinxx pela Hit The Floor Magazine.
Interview with CC and Jinxx by Hit The Floor Magazine.


Black Veil Brides

Sessão de autográfos na Blue Banana,Exeter
Signing at Blue Banana,Exeter

Andy@Juliet "Did my heart love till now? Forswear it, sight! For I ne'er saw true beauty till this night." 
Andy @ The view from the blacony tonight just before we played, Manchester you killed it!! Thank you 
Jake @ from the balcony. Pure sexiness!!
CC @ The view from my 'office' tonight. Manchester, you sure were sexy!

Kerrang! Podcast Black Veil Brides

Entrevista com o Andy pela Kerrang!

Interview with Andy by Kerrang!



Vejam fotos da sessão de autógrafos na Pulp,Nottingham 08/10/2011

View pictures from the signing at Pulp, Nottingham 08/10/2011



Versão uncut da entrevista feita pelo Bryan Stars ao Andy e ao Matt Good.
Uncut version of the interview made by Bryan Stars to Andy and Matt Good


BVB Live...

Vejam no link abaixo uma review & fotos do concerto de ontem em Nottingham.
See on the link below a review & photos from yesterdays concert in Nottingham.



O Andy pronto para subir ao palco no concerto de hoje,o 3º desta tour em Nottingham,Reino Unido.

Andy ready to go on stage at today's concert,the 3rd of this tour in Nottingham,UK.

"its almost that time...whos ready to sing with us?!?



O Andy postou no twitter
Andy posted on twitter

"I´d sell my soul for you baby,for money to burn with you..."