Ontem num concerto em Hollywood o Andy saltou de um balcão,acabou por dar uma grande queda e ao que parece partiu 3 costelas,mesmo assim voltou ao palco e continuou mais 3 músicas até ao fim do concerto,só depois foi para o hospital. Encontra-se bem e vai ficar hospitalizado por 2 dias.
Esperamos que melhore depressa =( <3 Andy
Podem ver aqui vídeos do acidente
Yesterday at a concert in Hollywood Andy jumped from a balcony, just to gave a big fall and apparently broke three ribs, yet returned to the stage and continued 3 more songs until the end of the concert, only then went to the hospital. He is well and will be hospitalized for 2 days.
We hope him to get better soon = (<3 Andy
You can see here videos of the accident
Yesterday at a concert in Hollywood Andy jumped from a balcony, just to gave a big fall and apparently broke three ribs, yet returned to the stage and continued 3 more songs until the end of the concert, only then went to the hospital. He is well and will be hospitalized for 2 days.
We hope him to get better soon = (<3 Andy
You can see here videos of the accident
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