
Video para os anos do Jinxx


Assunto:Vídeo para os anos do Jinxx

Foram feitas algumas alterações,este video será organizado pelo BVB Portugal e BVB Europe e irá contar com participação de outros fan clubs também.

O vídeo irá consistir em gravações a desejar Parabéns ao Jinxx em diversas línguas!

O que voçês precisam fazer é :

-Fazer uma gravação vossa a desejar Parabéns ao Jinxx em PORTUGUÊS!!
-A gravação tem que ser entre 10-25 segundos!
-Apenas AÚDIO!!...NÃO É VIDEO!!

O prazo para envio das gravações é curto pois já falta pouco tempo para o aniversário!
Enviem para bvbportugal@gmail.com

Qualquer dúvida contactem-me!!

É algo bastante simples e até é em Português,portanto espero que participem!!

Um Feliz Ano Novo a todos <3<3


Happy B-Day Andy!!!!

Hoje,dia 26 de Dezembro é o aniversário do nosso querido Andy
Não se esqueçam de lhe dar os parabéns
Today,December 26th is the b-day of our beloved Andy
Do not forget to tell him happy birthday

Twitter :@AndyBVB

Se ainda não viram o nosso vídeo,por favor vejam agora

If you haven´t seen our video,please watch it now

Sigam-nos no twitter @BVBPortugal e se quiserem sigam o meu twitter pessoal @TatyBVB_MIW

Follow us on twitter @BVBPortugal & if you want follow my personal twitter @TatyBVB_MIW



Entrevista completa ao Andy e ao Danny dos AA feita pelo Bryan Stars
Full interview with Andy and Danny from AA by Bryan Stars



Resultados das votações da revista Alternative Press

Alternative Press readers poll results

Os BVB ganharam:
BVB won:

Album of the year/Album do ano:Set The World On Fire
Best Merch/ Melhor Merch
Best Live Band/ Melhor banda ao vivo
Best Cover of 2011/Melhor cover de 2011

Video do ano/Video of the year
Rebel Love Song 

2ºCover Art of the Year/ 2ª Melhor capa do ano

2º B-Side/Bonus Track of the year with "Smoke and Mirrors"/2ª Melhor música bonús com a "Smoke and Mirrors"

Video Of The Year for “Fallen Angels/3ª Melhor video do ano com "Fallen Angels"

O Andy ganhou:
Andy won:
Vocalista do ano/Vocalist of the year

O CC ganhou:
CC won:
Baterista do ano/Drummer of the year

Jake & Jinxx:
Estão em 2º lugar para guitarrista(s) do ano
Are runner up for guitarist(s) of the year

Está em 2º lugar para baixista do ano
Is runner up for bassist of the year 

Os BVB ganharam  para pior capa de revista do ano 2011
BVB won worst cover of the year 2011

Aqui fica a resposta do Andy:
This is Andys response to that:

“This makes me laugh—and hey, everyone who voted for us just got our name in the magazine again! Believe me, I’m aware of how we look – we have mirrors, and we like our aesthetic, so if you got that issue in the mail and you were bummed out about it flip past it, man. There’s a lot of pages we’re not on!” 


Source:(Official BVB Website)


Happy B-Day Andy / Merry Xmas video

Este é o vídeo de parabéns ao Andy e Feliz Natal aos BVB e familias, feito por mim (Tatiana Pitts) e pela Diana Purdy.Mais uma vez agradeço a quem participou!!...Deixem as vossas opiniões!
Espero que gostem

This is the Portuguese Army video for Andys B-Day and to wish Merry Xmas to BVB and their families...
Feel free to tell me what you think about it
Hope you like it


Rebels EP

Podem ouvir agora o novo EP "Rebels" dos Black Veil Brides
You can listen now the Black Veil Brides new EP "Rebels"



01 Coffin - Black Veil Brides

Rebel Yell

02 Rebel Yell - Black Veil Brides


03 Unholy (feat. Zakk Wylde) - Black Veil Brides


Love Isn´t Always Fair - Live

Os BVB tocaram a Love Isn´t Always Fair no programa The Daily Habit

BVB performing Love Isn´t Always Fair at the Daily Habit show

" Everyday i'm Hustlin'.. "
(Via Twitter)

Jinxx@ " Thank you North Dakota!!! Rock and Roll!!! "
(Via Twitter)


Rock Band!

Os Black Veil Brides como artista do mês na Rock Band!
Black Veil Brides as artist of the month on Rock Band!  


Andy@ "Those Lungs"
(Via Twitter)

Andy@ "Iridescence"
(Via Twitter)
O Andy tem uma nova tatuagem,uma Dragonfly
Andy has got a new tattoo,a Dragonfly


Rebels EP

Á venda a 12/13 no iTunes! Pré-venda começa a 12/6

On sale 12/13 exclusively on iTunes! Pre-sale begins 12/6

1. Coffin
2. Rebel Yell (Billy Idol cover)
3. Unholy (KISS cover ft. Zakk Wylde)
4. Rebel Love Song - 6 minute extended directors cut music video



Andy@ "Sittin in my club house....er trailer... "
(via Twitter)
Andy @ "Shampoo"
(via Twitter)


Buried Alive Tour!!

Os BVB iniciaram ontem na Florida, a Buried Alive Tour com os Avenged Sevenfold...A 1ª música foi a "New Religion" tocada pela 1ª vez ao vivo...

BVB started the Buried Alive Tour with Avenged Sevenfold yesterday in Florida...The first song was "New Religion" played live for the first time...
Set List:

New Religion
Youth & Whiskey
God Bless You
Rebel Yell (Cover)
The Legacy
Fallen Angels


Buried Alive Tour!!

CC & Jake (via Twitter)@ "Day # 1 of the Buried Alive Tour!"


Nova edição da revista Kerrang!...Inclui 5 posters dos Black Veil Brides
New issue of Kerrang!magazine...Including 5 Black Veil Brides posters



Novas datas para 2012
( Reino Unico e Irelanda)

New dates for 2012
( UK and Ireland)

Março / March 
Wolverhampton Civic Hall (24)
Belfast Mandela Hall (25)
Dublin Academy (26)
Glasgow Barrowlands (27)
HMV Edinburgh Picturehouse
02 Academy Leeds (29)
02 Academy Brixton (30)

Abril / April
02 Academy Bristol (1)

Andy @ " Dressing room asshole "



O EP "Rebels" que irá sair no Natal irá conter uma nova música chamada "Coffin"+ as covers da "Rebel Yell" e "Unholy"

"Rebels"EP that´s going to be released by Christmas will include a brand new song called "Coffin" + "Rebel Yell" and "Unholy" covers



Nova entrevista com o Jinxx e o Ash pela Bring The Noise UK

New interview with Jinxx & Ash by Bring The Noise UK



Concerto de ontem em Londres.O Andy actuou apesar dos seus ferimentos... Parece que o resto da tour foi cancelada e o Andy regressou hoje aos EUA ( Ainda não confirmado).
Yesterday´s concert in London.Andy performed despite his injuries...It seems that the rest of the tour has been cancelled and Andy returned to the US ( Not yet confirmed)


Revolver magazine

Revolver magazine outtakes


Entrevista exclusiva á Revolver Magazine:Black Veil Brides - O Andy fala de como partiu o nariz

Exclusive Interview by Revolver Magazine:Black Veil Brides - Andy talks about his broken nose

“I’m bedridden in a hotel bed in London just sitting here collecting dirt on the blankets and ordering room service and being in pain. I can’t really breathe out of my nose, and it looks like I’m wearing a sleep mask made out of bruises.
“I was onstage doing my typical routine to entertain the crowd. I was rolling around and being crazy. Normally, before ‘Legacy’ goes into a breakdown-y guitar solo-y kind of part, I get down on my knees and do a mock prayer. I did that and then rolled backwards and stood up and I didn’t realize I was directly under the four-foot drum riser. I smashed the bone dead center on my skull. From above my eyebrows, right down the bridge of my nose, that’s where I cracked. I was unconscious for a second.
“I knew something terrible had happened immediately. I jumped up, but I was still in shock and I didn’t really feel it yet. I was rubbing my nose to try to figure out what was happening. And I ran into my tour manager at the side of the stage and I asked him if there was something wrong with my nose. And he looked at me like I was crazy and said it was huge and misshapen. That’s when the realization hit me that I was really hurt. I started getting really dizzy and stumbled my way offstage and got to the backstage area. I positioned myself in front of a mirror and saw it was huge and ridiculous. And that’s when the pain set in and it was pretty excruciating. But there wasn’t a lot of bleeding or anything because of where it broke.
“I went to the hospital in Luxembourg and nobody spoke English. They were really adamant about putting me on a stretcher, and I was very much against that. I walked very fast away from them. They took me in an ambulance right in front of where the fans are, and the last thing I want to do is be the guy who breaks his nose and then has to ride on a stretcher to the ambulance with his thumbs up in the air.
“I walked out with my tour manager and I was pretty dizzy, I couldn’t really see, but I was always pretty cognitive. The only thing I have right now because of the concussion is I feel like I’m watching one of those super druggy movies where all the lights have a trail. Everything I see, it’s as if it sort of has Vaseline around the edges and it’s a little nauseating to be honest. It’s hard to use a computer.
“Right now I’m trying to figure out what to do. I would really like to finish the tour. I’ve been advised against it. But I want to try. At the end of the day, if I have to go onstage and be in pain for 40 minutes I’m do my best to give the audience the show that they have already paid for.”



O Ashley a cantar a "Fallen Angels" após o Andy se ter magoado durante o concerto no Luxemburgo.
Ashley singing "Fallen Angels" after Andy got injured during the Luxemburg show. 



Ontem durante o concerto no Luxemburgo o Andy teve um acidente e partiu o nariz e foi levado para o hospital.
A banda encontra-se agora em Londres,o concerto de hoje na Alemanha foi cancelado e o resto da tour está adiada até melhoras do Andy.

Vamos mostrar o quando gostamos dele a apoia-lo neste momento difícil.

Yesterday during the concert in Luxembourg Andy had an accident,broke his nose and was taken to the hospital.

The band is now in London.Today´s concert in Germany was canceled and the rest of the tour is postponed until Andy feels better.

Let´s show how much we love and support him during this difficult time.



Andy@botched connecting flights to japan, missing my dragonfly and being stuck in a german airport for 7 hours.